What better place to be then where God would have us to be. For us that is, Belize Central America. Even though this is a hot, muggy and buggy Third World country, it is where the Lord has given a peace to be. So we are pleased that the Lord has called us to Belize and will serve Him there joyfully.

I was not there very long when I noticed that people truly loved the Bible. The Bible in Belize is honored as God’s holy Word and I was so glad to be able to give out many Bibles knowing that the people of Belize wanted them.

Our basic ministry goals are:

  1. Evangelize: Communities, Colleges and Children

  2. Equip: Christians

  3. Establish: Churches (Indigenous)

Please pray for us as we desire to propagate the Bible in Belize.


Below is a link for information on Belize:
